Durham University
Durham University’s Nuclear Magnetic Resonance services are located in the Chemistry Department. Support is provided across a range of disciplines at Durham and is offered to external clients commercially. The NMR services provide expertise in both methodology, applications and result interpretation. Training in NMR methods and interpretation is also undertaken.
Durham’s ten NMR instruments are equipped to deliver results from an extensive range of solution- and solid-state experiments typical of a well-founded NMR facility. Specialist equipment provides multinuclear HRMAS, solid-state 19F and static solids (including an extended temperature range to 400 °C). The solution-state service specializes in Pure shift NMR, DOSY, solvent signal suppression, and Compressive Sampling.
Dr. Juan Aguilar-Malavia for solution state NMR
Dr. Samuel Page for solid state NMR
NMR Equipment
Very-High Field (700-800 MHz)
Bruker 700 MHz solution-state NMR spectrometer equipped with a NEO console and a BBO Prodigy probe and with a 60-position sample changer. The spectrometer is also equipped with a flow system.
Additional capabilities
Bruker Avance III HD 400 MHz NMR instrument equipped for solid state and soft solid measurements.
Probes for specialistic applications:
- 4 mm double resonance MAS with magic-angle gradient, tuning range 31P to 15N, 1H
- 4 mm HRMAS double resonance MAS with magic-angle gradient and lock channel, tuning range 13C, 1H
- 5/10 mm single resonance static probe, tuning range 31P to 109Ag, extended temperature range to 400 °C
Varian VNMRS 400 MHz NMR instrument equipped exclusively for solid-state measurements
Probes for specialistic applications:
- 1.9 mm double resonance MAS tuning range 11B to 15N, 1H
- 3.2 mm double resonance MAS with simultaneous 1H and 19F tuning, tuning range 31P to 15N, 1H and 19F
- 4 mm triple resonance (HXY) MAS probe, tuning range 31P to 15N (and any XY combination at least 20 MHz apart), 1H
- 6 mm triple resonance (HXY) MAS probe, tuning range 31P to 15N (and any XY combination at least 20 MHz apart), 1H