Newcastle University

The NMR facility at the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences of Newcastle University has expertise in applying multinuclear multiple resonance experiments to studies of novel alkali metal and alkaline earth complexes and the studies of transition metals in polyoxometalates.

Contact person:
Dr. Corinne Wills

NMR Equipment

Very-High Field (700-800 MHz)

Bruker Avance III HD 700 MHz narrow bore NMR spectrometer equipped with a 24 position sample changer.

Solution state probes:

  • 5 mm 1H-optimised triple resonance (1H, 13C/15N, 2H TCI) N2-cooled cryoprobe, z-gradient, T: 0°C to +80°C, automated tuning and matching.
  • 5 mm X-optimised double resonance (109Ag-31P, 1H, 2H BBO) probe, z-gradient, T: -150°C to +150°C, automated tuning and matching.

Additional capabilities

Bruker Avance III HD 500 MHz NMR spectrometer equipped with a 24 position sample changer.

Solution state probes:

  • 5 mm 1H-optimised tunable multinuclear triple resonance (31P, 15N-31P, 1H, 2H TBI) probe, z-gradient, T: -150°C to +150°C.
  • 10 mm low gamma X-optimised double resonance (103Rh-14N, 1H, 2H BBO) probe, z-gradient  T: -130°C to +150°C, automated tuning and matching.