University of Bristol
The NMR equipment at the University of Bristol is dedicated to pulse sequences development and protein structure and function investigation for antibiotics and structure aided drug design.
Prof. Craig Butts, Prof. Matthew Crump, Dr Christopher Williams, Paul Lawrence
NMR Equipment
Very-High Field (700-800 MHz)
Bruker Avance III HD 700 MHz Ascend magnet is equipped with a 1.7mm TCI micro-cryoprobe with dedicated 1H, 13C, 15N and 2H channels for mass-limited small molecule and biomolecular applications.
Recently (2022) refurbished 600MHz Varian magnet with 4-channel Bruker NEO console equipped with a 5mm TXO-HF cryoprobe optimized for nitrogen and carbon direct detection. Due to the observe probe geometry, the TXO also has excellent proton sensitivity at physiological and higher salt concentrations and is tunable to 19F. The system is equipped with 24-position Sample Case for high throughput applications.
Additional capabilities
Lower-field instrumentation with specialised capabilities is available at the Department of Chemistry of Bristol University:
Bruker Avance III 500 MHz narrow bore NMR spectrometer equipped with cryo-enhanced 13C probe, 60 positions sample changer