University of East Anglia
The NMR facility at UEA enables structural and dynamic studies on substances ranging from small molecule pharmaceuticals and polymers to complex biomolecules, solids and colloids. The facility provides unique opportunities to study molecules, their assemblies, colloids, soft solids and functional materials over different time scales and physical states.
Dr Alex Morritt General enquiries, booking of the instruments
Prof. Yaroslav Khimyak: solid-state NMR, NMR of gels and soft matter, NMR in understanding organic and hybrid materials (carbohydrate-based materials, pharmaceuticals, porous materials)
Dr. Tharin Blumenschein: protein structure, dynamics and interactions
Dr. Matthew Wallace: chemical shift imaging, soft-matter NMR
Additional equipment is available at the NMR Facility at John Innes Centre (JIC) in Norwich, which is dedicated to structural studies of natural products and metabolites.
Dr. Sergey Nepogodiev
NMR Equipment
Very-High Field (700-800 MHz)
Bruker 800 MHz narrow bore three channel multinuclear NMR spectrometer, mainly used for biomolecular solution state studies equipped with a 5 mm inverse triple resonance (1H/13C/15N TXI ) high resolution probe with an actively shielded single axis z-gradient, T: 0°C to +50°C.
Additionally available is a 4 mm double resonance HRMAS probe for high-resolution MAS NMR (gel NMR) studies. This probe is optimised for 13C observation with 1H decoupling, with 2H lock and a single axis magic angle gradient coil. T: -20°C to +120°C, limited by the sample, rotor caps and rotor insert material.
Additional capabilities
Bruker Avance III 400 MHz wide bore 3 channel, multinuclear 1H/15N-31P NMR spectrometer,
Solid state probes:
- 4 mm triple resonance CPMAS probe with a maximum spin speed of 18 kHz. T: -100°C to +120°C
- 4 mm 13C optimised HRMAS probe, T: -20°C to +80°C
- fast speed 1.3 mm MAS probe (up to 66 kHz MAS rate)