University of St Andrews
The NMR service located in the School of Chemistry has magnets dedicated to both solution-state and solid-state measurements. The University is part of SNUG (Scottish NMR Users Group).
Dr. Daniel Dawson for solid-state NMR service
Dr. Tomas Lebl for solution-state NMR service
NMR Equipment
Very-High Field (700-800 MHz)
Bruker Avance III HD 700 MHz narrow bore four channel NMR spectrometer equipped with a 5 mm 1H-optimised triple resonance (1H/13C TCI) probe with SampleCase 24 holder sample changer.
High Field (600 MHz)
Bruker Avance III HD 600 MHz triple channel NMR spectrometer equipped with wide bore magnet and extended variable temperature capability. The following solid-state probes are available:
- 2 x 4 mm double resonance HX MAS probes
- 4 mm triple resonance HXY MAS probe
- 4 mm double resonance low-gamma MAS probe
- 3.2 mm double resonance HX MAS probe
- 2.5 mm double resonance HX MAS probe
- 1.9 mm triple resonance HXY MAS probe
- 1.9 mm double resonance HX MAS probe
- 1.3 mm double resonance HX MAS probe
- Static double resonance probe
Additional capabilities
Bruker Avance III HD 500 MHz narrow bore triple channel NMR spectrometer equipped with a 19F triple resonance (TXO) probe.
Bruker Avance III HD 400 MHz four channel NMR spectrometer equipped with wide bore magnet, extended variable temperature capability and a 4 mm quadruple resonance HFXY MAS probe.
Additional lower field instrumentation is available in the School of Chemistry at 300-600 MHz (solution state) and 400 MHz (solid state).