EPSRC has awarded funding for the project titled Expanding Capability and Capacity in High-Throughput Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy. The project led by Professor B Linclau with other investigators including Dr J R Hiscock (University of Kent), Dr IJ Day (University of Sussex), professor C P Butts (University of Bristol) and Dr N J Wells (University of Southampton) will fund the installation of a new cryogenically-cooled multinuclear NMR probe into an existing 500 MHz NMR spectrometer (part of the Southampton Chemistry NMR spectroscopy Small Research Facility) creating a new high-throughput multinuclear NMR spectrometer. The instrument will provide very high sensitivity and a low limit of detection for multinuclear liquid samples, especially for detecting heteroatoms, and will underpin a broad range of research areas including Catalysis, Chemical Reaction Dynamics and Mechanisms, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Synthetic Supramolecular Chemistry, Synthetic Coordination Chemistry, Synthetic Biology, Geochemistry, Medicinal Imaging and Chemical Biology and Biological Chemistry. More details here
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